【拼箱】air carrier

2016年1月28日 in 海运服务
使您省时、省力、省心! 安捷是专业香港进口、快递进口、整柜进口、包税进口代理商.针对企业进口报关的单证问题、报关问题、税务咨询问题,提供详细的解答与进口清关供应链解决方案. 专业处理进口受限制、不好报关、清关困难、品名繁多、单证不全、归类困难、商检困难的进口货品,提供专业、诚信、快捷安全、香港快递包税进口代理服务.
进口流程: 创赢上门(码头/机场)取货(或客人自送)——创赢核对,申报,上车——口岸海关审单,加盖放行章放行——货到深圳仓库——创赢安排派送到门(或客人自提).
performance standards and the flexibility to meet your changing needs. Global Forward Logistics Co.,ltd works hand in hand with the Air Line's development strategy, making great efforts to expand international regional market. And we have become the main air carrier in areas of Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing,Qingdao and Xiamen. We are the key selling air freight China agent of AY,CA, CX, EK, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Jade Cargo, MH,AK,ZH.
